Thursday, March 12, 2009

Restrictions on internet access in schools. Is this fair?

During my dance lecture this pass Tuesday I became very interested in blogging about education and social networks for children in schools. I contacted a good friend of mine who works in the San Fernando Valley as a teacher’s assistant for a middle school to find out if the school continues to restrict children on internet access. She explained that not only do children have a restriction but the faculty staff does as well. There is a code that can be broken and many of the children have been able to hack into the restricted websites. The schools faculty has to be constantly changing the codes to prevent all of the mischief.

I was curious to know the main reason for all of the restrictions and was told that many children go online to search a specific topic and come across inappropriate sites that are given by a search engine such as YouTube. A child may be interested in looking up a video on YouTube and is given 10 to 15 possible videos were 7 of the videos may have inappropriate scenes. We all know what these scenes may be!
Are schools wrong for wanting to create a safe and educational environment for children? Is the limitation on internet access in schools a productive or disruptive issue for children?


  1. Hi Leslie!

    This is a good start. I would break up this one entry into a few and link them. You also should read it aloud o that you can catch the missing words and verb disagreements. I am not clear, though, with how you are situating the video. I want to challenge you think about "productive/disruptive" vs "good/bad" and see what else comes up. I am enjoying watching you stumble across a very big topic! Make each new discovery a new page, add in some links to other blogs and hot link a few academic articles through Jstore and you are well on your way to a great experience...and grade.

  2. Hey, great job on your blog! A little too much pink for my taste, but you did a good job lol. Oh, and i'm starting to understand how this is a lot harder than it seemed.

    Good luck on finals :D

  3. oh, this is Brandon by the way.
